New Years Resolutions 

Happy 2017!! I know most people resolve to make healthy changes in the new year and that usually means working out. One way I stay motivated is with new workout clothes. I love making a new shirt and wearing it to the gym. So I've added a bunch of new fitness designs to the shop to help you kick off your year in the right direction, no matter what your favorite way to work out is. 

You can find these designs at:

Watercolor Practice

Last week I had the opportunity to take a watercolor class at this neat little shop called Union Studio. It was a two hour workshop learning about watercolor techniques. In my head two hours seemed like a long class, but once we got started I couldn't believe how fast it went. It was so much fun. I would love to take another class and start a watercolor project on my own. If you ever get the chance you should check out Union Studio. I hope to take another class of theirs soon.  

Sunday Funday Swap Meet

What a beautiful day to go to the St. Louis Swap Meet. It's so cool to have this type of thing in the city. I hope they do it again next year. 


Every time I go I feel like I need to buy one of those giant letters for Raven's room, but they're so big and heavy. I don't know what I'd do with it. Maybe next time I'll just buy one and decide later what to do with it. They're so cool.