I love reading all of the reviews my customers leave me in my Etsy Shop but I especially love seeing pictures of the wonderful things they make. Here's just a few of my favorite pictures. Thank you to all my awesome customers!
Holiday Designs
I can't believe the holidays are almost here. Just one month until Christmas and I haven't even started making gifts yet. Yikes! If you're looking to make some awesome gifts for your friends and family, check out my new holiday designs in my shop.
Also use coupon code: Holiday2015 for 25% off 3 or more files for personal use!
Fall Designs
I've been working on some fun autumn designs for my Etsy shop. If you're looking for well made designs for your fall projects check them out.
When life give you tile..
...Make coasters! :) Last week I went to my local salvage store and found tons of great 4 1/4" ceramic tiles for super cheap! I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them but I knew I couldn't pass them up.
I decided I could make some awesome tile coasters for a friend. I've got four designs made that I want to put on them, but of course getting them done during Raven's nap times can be challenging to say the least. So, for now here's the first one I got done and all the steps it took to make it so you can make your own too.
1. First, I loaded my design into Cricut Design Space and scaled it to just the right size for my tile.
Sized up and ready to go!
2. Next, I cut my design out of the two colors of permanent vinyl I wanted. I had the cut setting set to Vinyl.
3. After it was all cut out I weeded out the vinyl. Because the letters in the middle of the design are so thin I took my time, being carful not to accidentally pull any up. For intricate designs I like to use a needle to weed out the little parts.
4. Then I applied the green vinyl part of the design to the coaster using clear contact paper and then the pink.
5. The last thing I did was cut out a piece of felt the same size of the tile and glued it to the back. If you have cork, that would work too.
One down, 3 more to go! As I get them done I'll share those too. I can't wait to see what the set looks like. If you want to make your own, you can get the design from my Etsy shop.